From 2009 to 2012 I worked as a mime artist and co-creator in Ireland’s only mime group: Cata Isle Mime Theatre. I followed workshops, and from there worked on standard or specially catered performances which were shown in several locations in Ireland, including Ennis Street Festival, Naas Street Theatre and Clare Model Search 2010. I developed traditional mime techniques as well as puppetry, physical theatre and clownery. We used minimal props to create a variety of sketches based around the theme of “The Seaside”, also working with live and recorded music and vocal sound effects.
In July 2012 I also filmed the founder of the group Astrid Adler’s street mime performance at the Naas Street Theatre Festival in Kildare, Ireland.
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqrXyPnsyWQ”]
[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UrpS8TyoUA”]
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